Összes hír
Karura LP Rewards Distribution
The Karura LP rewards have been distributed. The following are three lists of recipients: Main list, 2700 RMRK Bonus list, 300 RMRK NFT recipients
$RMRK token: current utility, DeFi options and Staking
This article covers current $RMRK token utility and DeFi options on different chains and Exchanges(DEX and CEX) 🔴 ❗️ 🔴 Warning about Liquidity Pr
Osoi | 0Y | RMRKable
A New Legend Rises—Hide.Me VPN Partners with RMRK’s Kanaria
RMRK is proud to announce the launch of a new Kanaria item in partnership with hide.me VPN. This will be the first Kanaria item to confer real world b
Christina Miyar | RMRK
1st Liquidity Release Scenario, vsKSM Lightning Redeem to go live in next upgrade | Weekly Report 70
Introduction In Bifrost’s bid for the first Kusama Parachains, 142,430.92 KSM of support was accumulated, of which 136,816.20 KSM was contributed fro
SiriusLee | PromoTeam
How to contribute liquidity in BNC/kUSD Bootstrap pool
Introduction: On October 19th, a 48-hour BNC/kUSD Bootstrap swap pool was launched in Karura when the block number #782000 was reached. This Bootstra
SiriusLee | PromoTeam
Bifrost Launches on Karura Swap With Over 200k BNC in Liquidity Mining Rewards
Trustless trading for the BNC/kUSD pair will go live following a 48-hour period of one- or two-sided bootstrap provisioning on Karura. Karura Swap, t
SiriusLee | PromoTeam
Bifrost Council & Tech Committee is now established | Weekly Report 67
Introduction Bifrost has released v0.8.4, which will support bi-directional asset cross-chaining between Kusama and Bifrost, with KSM being interchan
SiriusLee | PromoTeam
Runtime 0.8.4 upd. to complete bi-directional asset cross-chain interaction between Kusama networks
Introduction The Bifrost Mainnet Runtime has been successfully upgraded to version v0.8.4, which will support bi-directional asset cross-chaining bet
SiriusLee | PromoTeam
Karura x RMRK: DeFi meets NFTs
We're proud to announce a collaboration with Acala; specifically, Acala's canary network, Karura and Kanaria. Kanaria is a fundraiser for the RMRK As