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Karura LP Rewards Distribution


$RMRK token: current utility, DeFi options and Staking

$RMRK token: current utility, DeFi options and Staking

This article covers current $RMRK token utility and DeFi options on different chains and Exchanges(DEX and CEX) 🔴 ❗️ 🔴 Warning about Liquidity Pr

Osoi | 0Y | RMRKable

A New Legend Rises—Hide.Me VPN Partners with RMRK’s Kanaria

A New Legend Rises—Hide.Me VPN Partners with RMRK’s Kanaria

RMRK is proud to announce the launch of a new Kanaria item in partnership with hide.me VPN. This will be the first Kanaria item to confer real world b

Christina Miyar | RMRK

1st Liquidity Release Scenario, vsKSM Lightning Redeem to go live in next upgrade | Weekly Report 70

1st Liquidity Release Scenario, vsKSM Lightning Redeem to go live in next upgrade | Weekly Report 70

Introduction In Bifrost’s bid for the first Kusama Parachains, 142,430.92 KSM of support was accumulated, of which 136,816.20 KSM was contributed fro

SiriusLee | PromoTeam

How to contribute liquidity in BNC/kUSD Bootstrap pool

How to contribute liquidity in BNC/kUSD Bootstrap pool

Introduction: On October 19th, a 48-hour BNC/kUSD Bootstrap swap pool was launched in Karura when the block number #782000 was reached. This Bootstra

SiriusLee | PromoTeam

Bifrost Launches on Karura Swap With Over 200k BNC in Liquidity Mining Rewards

Bifrost Launches on Karura Swap With Over 200k BNC in Liquidity Mining Rewards

Trustless trading for the BNC/kUSD pair will go live following a 48-hour period of one- or two-sided bootstrap provisioning on Karura. Karura Swap, t

SiriusLee | PromoTeam

Bifrost Council & Tech Committee is now established | Weekly Report 67

Bifrost Council & Tech Committee is now established | Weekly Report 67

Introduction Bifrost has released v0.8.4, which will support bi-directional asset cross-chaining between Kusama and Bifrost, with KSM being interchan

SiriusLee | PromoTeam

Runtime 0.8.4 upd. to complete bi-directional asset cross-chain interaction between Kusama networks

Runtime 0.8.4 upd. to complete bi-directional asset cross-chain interaction between Kusama networks

Introduction The Bifrost Mainnet Runtime has been successfully upgraded to version v0.8.4, which will support bi-directional asset cross-chaining bet

SiriusLee | PromoTeam

Karura x RMRK: DeFi meets NFTs

Karura x RMRK: DeFi meets NFTs

We're proud to announce a collaboration with Acala; specifically, Acala's canary network, Karura and Kanaria. Kanaria is a fundraiser for the RMRK As
